Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part 23

So many things have been changing and for ma as well. Big decisions are hard to make but my ma decided to sell the house and leave Ohio. Her father was still alive in Pennsylvania and up in his 80's. It would be a good change for all of us. She would be back where her roots were. Heath would get away from the crowd he was entertaining and me, well I would leave the whole town and Cliff behind. It was a rather refreshing thought, yet wondering, would I ever see him again. But with a deep sigh, the house sold and we packed and down the road we go. 

Heath and I in the moving truck. Glenn rode is Ma in the car. Mind you her driving skills were still pretty new but Glenn would put her to the test. Ma thought if she gave him cookies it would occupy him for a while. Well let me say this, never give a little goober cookies and have them behind you. He decided to redo her hair and he was having a great time doing it. Soon ma would look like the cookie monster, before the cookie monster was known. Awwww, poor mama. But, she never ventured from looking straight ahead on that road. Focused to make her destination. 

It was great to get closer and closer to Pennsylvania. Some thing always drew my heart there. Not sure as to the real reason why. But, it is a beautiful state. I love the mountains there. Serene. The people there are not like they are in most places. These people literally would give the shirt right off their backs to help another. Our time there would bring us closer to grandpa. We saw him on occasion but now we would see him every day. The house was huge. An old theater redone into a duplex. We would live on one side of it with a breeze way to separate grandpa. 

Grandpa I think liked us being there. He had company. Hmmm, he loved his coffee and a special recipe to make it. Was it moonshine he put in it. I wasn't sure. But, it led to some afternoon naps. The days for him would be playing rummy. I might add he didn't always play fair. Hahaha, I didn't always let him know I knew though. It was his day. Everybody was a monkey to him. Not sure how that happens. LOL He was full hungarian and spoke with a broken accent. So, communication was some what limited. Ma, seemed to understand him way more then I could but I guess that would be expected.

Ma seemed very happy here. She found an old school mate and perhaps love connection from the past that was now bar tending at a place not far from home. Her and I would go there for her to get out and start a social life of some kind. My ma and I were having a lot more fun these days but our other times were still there. However, we were growing to learn more about each other and one day maybe our respect would grow as well.

Heath was home more and while we would go out, he would watch Glenn, but we would have him put to bed before we left to make it much more easier on him. Eventually he found a job in the coal mines and would have to travel to many neighboring states each week. 

Our first Christmas there would be special for me. My ma sent me out to get a tree and a tree I got. It was sooooooooooooo big. Hahaha, I brought the forest home. Neither of them would help me with it and the biggest problem was getting a stand that could support it. Any tree stand I tried just seemed to melt the legs. So, ma thought we should go to the bar and ask them what they use for theirs. And away we go.

It was pretty cool going to this bar. I never needed any money. There was always somebody there that would say, " Drinks for the whole bar"... No, I wasn't old enough, but back then it didn't matter. We did complete our mission though and found out the best solution for this tree would be a big concrete block. We had several of these outside the house. So, back to the house for me to deal with this tree. 

A block it would be. I found out a few weeks later that I had a problem. I was not able to water this monster and now day and night the needles were falling off of it. Yep, every where. But, wow, did I decorate it and just the way I wanted. I loved tinsel and this tree would be covered with it. As I look back now it all sort of looked gaudy but at the time it was a masterpiece. Wow, what a few years will do to see things a bit differently.

Things were going well here, until.....................

Love "Patches"

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