Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lord You Gave Me A Mountain

Lord You Gave Me A Mountain 

Yes, Lord, you truly did give me my very own mountain. I asked for a mountain and here I am. There comes a time when there is no other choice but to climb it. Ok, I could choose to roll down it too I suppose but hey, I am 50 yrs old and that is a long roll down. I have many things on my mountain. The biggest and healthiest birds,hawks,buzzards and I must say the biggest woodpecker I have ever seen. It looks like the fruit loop bird...honestly, and I truly was sober when I saw it. The biggest bees I have ever seen too... so big I play bee mitten and when you hit one, you know you hit something. I have a good score, but my husband really is far ahead of me. He took them all out before they could get to me. 

A knight I say....always with his sword to protect and serve. This mountain has the most beautiful flowers and the biggest ever, well ever that I have seen. All kinds of butterflies and dragonflies...seems they keep coming to visit me. I know they have a story to tell and as they land on my hand I watch to listen. They stare me in the eyes and we communicate telepathically for our moment together. Once I get the message.... he flies away.

Then comes the butterfly to tell me what she has been doing..... ahhh she sure likes those flowers I planted. Hehehe, she doesnt know I planted them just for her. Hmm, those hummingbirds are so dang fast I cant get a word out before they are here and gone. They sure do love that sugar water though. A task keeping their bottle filled. The whole clan must be out there. I cant forget about my owls...a whole family of them..uh, pa and all the little babies. Fly out every night and stop to see me... then every morning like clock work back here and then home. 

Those little baby ones learning how to fly is a sight to be cute. I some times catch them in the front of the house hiding in the trees all day just watching me...well me and Prince. Prince loves to play with them...he has made friends with a few.... he loves them too...Dont worry he did not eat them. LOL.. just batted at them a bit. Hmm, yet he runs from the bees as I do. Like mother, like son....LOL. When the night comes the sky is as black as black can be. WOW what a canvas it is.... then suddenly it glistens. All these little sparkles just over my head. Ok, Yes, I have my head in the clouds. But, dang it is so beautiful. It is like a vault of diamonds shining above. That full moon is priceless. For awhile I didnt know who had such a strong night light on. 

Then, I realized, it was God, lighting my way and entire yard way into the middle of the night. Has he not thought of everything. What an artist.......!!!! Thank you Lord for this mountain you gave me and help me to keep climbing upward to see even more of your great artistry....... 

Love The "Ma ma"

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