Saturday, February 19, 2011

Me and My Lobster.......

If you are lucky enough to find one lobster that is your soul mate you are one of the lucky ones. But, how lucky must you be to find another lobster in one lifetime? Pretty lucky. With the web it makes it possible to search the world over. And, if you had one lobster you know what and who you are looking for. This search is NOT an easy task and you might even think it isn't possible to find. You even consider aborting the mission after you email and text 5,324 times. 
Then, suddenly it is as if the universe as heard you and your lobster just suddenly arrives. Now the coolest part of this just know it!! You know this is the one and all the time you have spent searching for your lobster it's OVER. Your lobster knows your heart, your soul and the connection is beyond what can be imagined, yet not, because you did have it before and you know how its supposed to feel. I found my lobster.... he is EVERYTHING I have been looking for.
Mmmmm, his heart is pure, the glimmer in his eyes is heaven. It shows his inner self and how the white light shines through him. He knows how to take your hand and journey to the end. He holds your heart and knows how fragile it is and comforts it with the utmost love and care. This lobster of mine has my heart and     all the love that has been stored in it for him. 

He has no idea how loved he is going to be but I think he will be happy. Our story is just beginning, our journey is just taking flight, but inside our hearts we know we are the  one for each other and finally we SMILE again. Honey, take my hand.......the adventure is about to begin and the journey can take us any where but being together is what will make it the very best. I LOVE YOU.......MY LOBSTER forever and ever and ever.......................... XOXOXOXOXOXO


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