Thursday, February 24, 2011

*Alert * Narcissistic Sociopath--Please read !! Part 1

Welcome to part one of an ongoing series of Narcissistic Sociopaths.....ALERT !!

If you have ever come across a Narcissistic Sociopath and know it now, it will be very highly unlikely you will ever wonder if, you ever have for the rest of your life. It will change your view of everybody you have ever met and know in your life. You will review in your mind every moment you have had with certain people to determine if they may be. This has got to be a revelation though for YOUR healing to know, you did nothing wrong. It isn't you. Never was. And my dear, you never stood a chance. These people are very very scary. To think there are people like this among us is completely a freaky thought, yet a very important awakening. We look at this label, most of us and think, "Oh that means your crazy" or simply have a mental illness. We don't do the research to dig deeper about who and what these people are all about. 

The people are master liars !! MASTERS !! They cannot help themselves. They lie about everything, why? We do not know and my guess is they do not know either. They have no remorse. NONE... They will take everything you have and walk away. Never look back and consider themselves the "VICTIM". They will never say sorry or thank you. They will immediately move on to their next victim and that very well may be YOU..

We need to educate ourselves about these people that walk and live among us. People who have:

1) No remorse
2) No feelings - They do not know how to love or be loved
3) No conscious- Is this concerning? Your answer should be YES. If your answer is NO, perhaps you may be one of these in this group.

The are highly intelligent. HIGHLY, they study the normal people. You and Me and everybody else that ever comes into their life. They study us to mimic us. They have no idea how we do it. What we do. They see us happy and in love. Kissing,holding hands, crying and laughing. They look at us in wonder and wonder what we are doing and they see it is a good thing and want to fit in with us. So, they study us intently so they can fit into our world. 

They master this so very well that we, if we have no clue about these people believe they are the most honest and trustworthy people in all the world. They appear to be so very sincere with all they say. Please note the 
word..."APPEAR". Most of us would never suspect their true intentions to do us a whole lot of harm and that every word spoken is a lie. But let's remember, they are master liars and they do this without blinking an eye. 

If you have had a partner relationship with a Narcissistic Sociopath and it ends, you will beat yourself up and your only question you will ask is , why? This happened so fast you won't know what hit you until it's over and the best thing you can do is run , do not walk away from this person. Run, and never look back. Oh you will want to. Just because this person has altered your life in every way and won't blink an eye as they walk on. Hopefully and I do mean hopefully, you will get away from this person before your life is totally ruined including you in general.

This is part one of several series as we need to have awareness of these people we walk with in our world. Part two will be about YOU and how that whatever happened, you did not know it was coming. Do not tear yourself apart or waste your time with the big question of why. When we get done with this series you will know why and your heart and soul will be cleansed and healthy. Until then...... BE THANKFUL IT'S OVER and if you are in this situation RIGHT NOW....... GO, LEAVE, RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK.


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