Monday, March 7, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part 22

Hmmm Glenn is home now and oh my goodness he is a big baby. I see now why it took weeks to heal from the delivery. He was sooooo very heavy too. Awwwwwww, but of all that we have all been through including Glenn for sure, he was such a happy baby. Laughing most of the time. He was so cute and adorable. Looking a lot like Bam Bam. Then of course by this time Shelli had her baby and it was a girl. They are three months apart and looked so much alike. Thank we would call them Pebbles and Bam Bam. Hehehehe !!
Cliff had made a call after he found out that Glenn was home and well, he decided he wanted to get married and make this work out as a family. What a gesture !! The court date was just around the corner too that my Ma was pursuing about the rape. So, how does this work? Shelli was over this day and they had me lure Cliff to the house to see Glenn and discuss marriage. But the real intent would be to have him arrested. The police would be waiting. Seems he violated something. He was indeed surprised when he arrived and the police pulled in the driveway and handcuffed him. My Ma seemed to get much satisfaction from this and I felt bad that he was making an attempt to make things right and now this. 

It was just days later and we had the court hearing. He even had an attorney. His mom provided all his legal needs when he needed them. We had one too, my ma's. His attorney asked how I knew the date of conception. Hmmmm, without thought I gave him my birthday and the math was nine months later. Needless to say my ma won the hearing but then turned around and paid the bills. I was quite upset with her. Why do this to me and then pay the damn bills? She said, she didn't want him to have anything to do with Glenn at all. I let it be.

A few weeks after the hearing Cliff still wanted to work things out and I discussed this many times with my ma. So much to my surprise she says, this is what I will do. He can come live here for two months. He needs to get a job and show intent that he means what he is saying. If, by the end of the two months if he isn't making progress, he will have to leave. Well, to me, this sounded fair enough and it did to him as well. So there we were. And to top it off, we got married. No, no big wedding that most girls get. My ma would have no part of it and did not attend. But Shelli did for whatever reason and Heath and Leita. That would be all there was. I had to borrow a dress from Leita's mom as I did not have anything to wear or money to buy one. And now, we were committed. Or were we? 

The two months go by and Cliff was out and gone for several nights at a time saying he was looking for work. Yep, in the middle of the night , all night. When the two months were up and Cliff was there, my ma sat him down and said. You remember the deal, and now, it's time for you to go. He acknowledged everything and peacefully packed his things and headed down the road. To see him go left me a lost and lonely feeling. Why though and how long would it take me to figure it out. This was not going to work. But, I keep being drawn to him. Perhaps my dream of what I wanted was stronger then the reality kicking me in the ass. Hard to say, but now I was abusing myself by letting this continue. I just don't know it yet. 

Months would go by and I received some money from my Pa's will. It would be from his mother passing away and his share was split between his children. It wasn't a lot of money at all, about $300.oo. But, Cliff found out about it as he was my husband. He talked me into giving it to him to buy a car. He said this would help us a lot to get on the right track. So, I gave it to him. I called his mom's house later that night and a child answered the phone. When I asked to speak to Cliff, the child yelled,"DADDY". I was a bit taken back by this. Where did a child come from to be at his mother's house calling him Daddy. Well, it was that there was also the mom there . He took my money and indeed bought a car that day. But it would not be for him and I , it would be for him and this woman who lived in Washington I would later find out. Was I upset? Yes. Was this the final straw. Nope. 

Cliff would return again and this time it would be him and I and Glenn at a motel room. We were trying again to make it right. He came up with a plan though this one night and that was he was going out with his friends that night and me mine. We would meet back at a certain time. Ok, this was alright with me. Glenn had a sitter. Well I would return by the hour we agreed upon but he never did. I found several things moved from where they were when we left. Well, here is what happened. He made the time plan so he would know how long he would have to be there with another woman. So by the time I was supposed to be there they would be gone. Come morning I got Glenn and I got a visitor telling me that this man was on his way to pick me and Glenn up. This man was not a good man. He was a member of some sort of mafia. And, to top it off sold babies under the black baby market something or another.

I was beyond myself. Called my Ma and told her what was going on and asked her to pick us up asap. She was there within minutes and just as we got into the car, this man arrived in a big black cadillac. I told my mom to just drive...GO, GO... This man was literally after us. My mom wasn't all that good with driving so we went over a few curbs to get away and this man was right on our tail. So, we went straight for the police station which is the only way we got rid of him. What possibly could come next?
To be continued........................

Love "Patches" 

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