Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part One

Hello, my name is "Patches" and this is my story !!
After talking to some folks they say they can remember being in the womb, ahhhh, looking around. Seeing, a lot of stuff that in looking back I think a GPS would have been good back then while being in there. I some what remember going in circles and then get this pat on my head or belly and some times, yes, my you know where as if to tell me to calm down. There was so much to see yet I remember it being very dark and kind of gloomy to tell the truth. I could hear things, voices that seemed near yet far away and never did figure out what was going on there. But the voice sounded familiar once I broke through the barrier. Whew !!! Now that was no fun and well it didn't sound like a lot of fun for my new mama either. 

I some what remember a swift kick and whooshhhhh somebody grabbed hold of me and smacked my behind instantly. Ouch!!!! Wow, how could I be in so much trouble so fast. And let me say I was kicked out I didn't pursue it on my own. Ohhhhhhhh, I cried alright. That smack hurt !! But, I can recall my mama taking a deep sign, like she was saying ...........FINALLY !! I think she was happy to see me cause I was her. There she was my new mama. Ahhhhh, she took me, coddled me, fed me and yes, patted my behind a bit. Seems a lot of people were patting my behind a lot actually but at least these pats seemed much softer then that first one. I must have been very very good. These pats felt like love. Mmmmmmmmm I am soooo happy. It was a heck of a trip for both of us, so we rested for days. But, we rested together. I remember being right near her in bed... I could hear her heart beat and I was safe. 

Then this lady comes into our room and asked my mama what my name was. Ahhh, mama just looked puzzled and looked about the room. She noticed a blanket there that looked like it needing mending. So that's how I got my name. Patches. The lady thought that was creative and took a picture of me. Yeah the light was blinding but I made it through. For a while though I was blind, not going to lie about it. 

Soon my mama and I were sent home. I was so excited. Several times I heard my mama talking to somebody and well I thought she called him pa. Then there were these two funny looking beings there. Much bigger then me. One was referred to as my sister and the other brother, whatever that all meant. They were pretty funny looking to me. Heheheheh...... I couldn't help wondering if they knew how funny they looked to me. They must have thought something because they kept asking ma why am I laughing so hard. Well, ok, you should have saw what I did and you would have laughed to. Heheheheheh...ahhhh the memories.

Ahhhhhhhhh help Ma .... Help...what is this? It was huge. So fuzzy looking and nothing like my sister and brother. What is this? Finally, my Brother says to me, "hey sis, meet Rambo". Hmmm, as I laid there looking at them both, many things went through my mind. First of all, they do not look anything alike. And Rambo has some sort of long attachment going on behind him. My brother seemed to be missing this extension. Wow, how interesting is this my thoughts wondered.

Well now, so far there is my Ma ma, Sister, Brother and this fuzzy creature they call Rambo and then this man sitting back in the corner. Thinking to myself, he might be the Pa guy I heard about earlier. He didn't seem to want to say hi and well I think he was the only one that hasn't patted my behind like everybody seemed to be so excited to do. Not real sure if he is my Pa but I have my eye on him. For now though I am going to get some sleep and get my eyes focused so things might be a bit clearer and maybe that Rambo guy will look different tomorrow. 
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for now !!

Love Patches

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