Monday, March 7, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part 21

It would be trying times for sure ahead. A very complimentary thing did happen though and that is that factory job I was doing. The boss called me and another into his office to inform us that they were letting the entire second shift go. But, they wanted to move us to first shift because we were so good. He told us not to say one word to the others or he would have to let us go as well. Well, within the hour my co-worker would not be going to first shift with me. So, I would be the only one from an entire shift going to first. I was quite proud of myself for this and what a confidence booster this would be. Poor Leita though would be one that would be having to leave, apparently, the boss did not like her flirtation. There was no way I would be able to let her know this though.

Where is Cliff? Well, he has been out and about town expanding his family. But, there was something that just kept drawing me to him. My mom would not let him to the house for obvious reasons, but I was finding myself off and running to him any time he called. The hold he had on me was powerful. His family had serious issues with him too. It would seem that nobody wanted him in their house. He was being accused of taking many things that were not his. And it would seem there was a criminal record against him. No hard prison time but other things. He was dealing drugs. I never saw so much marjuana in my life one night I went to his house. Yet, I am pulled to him. I would lose the factory job due to no transportation, so I would find myself with Cliff even more. But then they tore down the chicken coop and he lost his home. LOL Yes, I am laughing too !!! Ha ha ha !!!

But this would take us to the streets. We had a coffee addiction and a local restaurant that we would go to all the time. We could order one cup of coffee and drink for hours. But, we had to come up with a quarter first for each cup. So, as we walked now, we looked to the ground. I was looking down now for pennies to get to that quarter. Once in a while his mom would let us in when her husband wasn't there so we could eat. Her husband detested Cliff. Yet, I am still drawn to this man. 

The whole town knew about Cliff and Patches and looked at them as the couple in love. Patches was sure she was in love with him and the whole town that knew him said they noticed him being different and they were sure he was in love with Patches. But what kind of deal is this. He is getting girls pregnant from every where he goes. He didn't work a real job and hasn't yet in all the time Patches has known him. He says he does not know how to read. Could I have gotten a better man? I am telling you, the universe is either testing the hell out of me, or that cloud over my head is glued there. How do I shake it off? 

The on and off episodes would continue with Cliff for several years. For now though I head back home to deal with social services. Glenn was in a foster home and nothing has been finalized yet.

It was so hard figuring out how to deal with signing your child away. I stayed up late this night and wrote a very long letter to my son for the future. It explained everything to him and I prayed that by the time he read it, he would not have or hold hate in his heart. I had the letter signed, sealed and ready for delivery. But, come that morning my Ma was at the dining room table again looking at the advertisements that came in the mail In them was a sears catalog. She woke me and called me in to talk with me. She told me she had found my letter I wrote.

She opened and read it. I was feeling so sad about the whole thing that I was not upset, it wasn't like she tore it up. But, then she said to me. " Let's go get our boy... "!! I looked at her with amazement I am sure. I said, HUH? LOL, yes, I was so mixed up. I was doing this, then that and now this. How is this processed? I told my mom I am 15 yrs old and how am I going to care for him? I explained that I do not want to raise him in rags like I was raised. I want to be able to feed him and never worry about a roof over his head. Oh, I knew all about the grown up things I needed to think about. Glenn, would be her first grandchild and suddenly her grandparent instincts kicked in and we were off to get our boy. He is coming home !!!!!

Love "Patches"

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