Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part 19

I came up with Glenn because I couldn't really name him Elvis and boy did I want to. Hmmm You all have no idea how close that was to reality !! Neither did I want to name him after Cliff. From what I could tell now that was all coming out is, he may not be a very good man after all. He was described by many as a con man. Of course I was unsure of what that was but I was doing my homework. There were many telling me and my Ma stories and heck there were fathers coming to our house to specially find out my relationship with Cliff. The out come of that would be Cliff had been with their daughters as well. And the father's were out to settle it.

It is now nine months to the day as I awaken. And I am not comfortable, yet I am not sure what I am waiting for. The big bang.This water thing everybody is talking about, will it be unmistakable? Like a lake or something or just a stream. I don't know how much discomfort is enough to get to the hospital. So I tell Ma about my situation and after doing some sort of timing she decides we should get there. Well, she did have three children so I could only assume she was a professional and away we went.

One thing about Ma here is she did stay by my side during this entire days events. See we had these moments and I cherished all of them. The hospital however did not think I was having enough fun and laid me down and said they were going to brake my water. I don't recall feeling an ocean or anything but the task was done. That big friggin school clock was right in front of me. The strike of noon it was. And now the time was really here. Oh my, the pains were coming every two minutes and hard. Never did they miss the timing and never did the pain cease. I wanted to scream scream scream but I was to timid to let it out. My Ma was right by my bed and had her little tiny hand there and told me to grab it and squeeze as hard as I wanted. Awww, my Mama..her hand was smaller then mine and although it was loving I couldn't take hold. I was sure I would crumble it at the next pain cycle. 

That clock I swear never ever moved. It seemed like hours should have gone by, yet that thing was saying five minutes or less. They kept talking about once I get the shot I would be out of pain. Well, I hate pain. I am weak to it. All I could tell them was give me the frigging shot and give it to me now, PLEASE...... PLEASE........... If this isn't enough for birth control nothing is. Some people say, oh, it's like having a good crap. Hmmmmm really?? REALLY? 

My Ma and the nurses kept telling me to push but honestly, I pushed and pushed and pushed and about 11:30 that night I felt I would not be able to make it. I felt my spirit about to leave me. I was weak and worn and had no more energy to push anymore. I told my mom, I couldn't go on and to do whatever she had to.

At this point the nurse came in and checked me and said, "Honey, just one more big push, just one more and we got it".... "You can do it" ... Oh, I took a deep sigh. Ok, it would be one more time and it would be my last. I gave all I had left to this push. It either was or wasn't going to do it. 

Yes, the nurse said. We got him. After all this, after 12 hours of hell then they want to finally give me this shot. I am thinking why now. I needed it hours ago. To get this shot you have to sit up indian style and tilt forward. Seriously, this just sounded like more pain to me then what it might have been worth. The pain was all over me. To do this procedure I could hardly comprehend how it was going to help.


IT'S A BOY............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Love "Patches"

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