Sunday, February 27, 2011

What If ??

Imagine if we were to meet one day..imagine our eyes meet and hmm we cant seem to stop looking at each other. An oddity for us both. Seems that maybe some how a spark has been lit but neither of us knows how or where it came from. How could this happen we think to ourselves? 

Your strikingly handsome she thinks and well he thinks you are the most beautiful creature he has ever seen. What if, he takes her by the hand gently and guides her for a walk through the most beautiful valley either have ever seen? Suddenly the day is gone and the stars are out...twinkling as they do. 

We both want to steal kiss... but we think what if....what if it isn't ok? Oh, but what if it is? How are we going to know? What if this kiss should take place and he/she takes my heart? What if he/she doesn't? 

What if this person is the piece of my life that finally completes me? What if they aren't? What if we do nothing then neither of us will ever have to answer the WHAT IF'S? Or maybe we ourselves for the rest of our life's. What if  ????
Love  "The Mama"

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