Monday, February 28, 2011

A Girl Named Patches- Introduction

Here is the story of "Patches".  She has had a long walk so far but, she has learned that there is light at the end of some tunnels and don't be fooled. Not all tunnels have a light at the other end.  But if we take a different route and obtain a different view we can and will perhaps re-write our own destiny with the choices we make.   Some roads are best not traveled but we don't know that for sure until we are on the road.  Never worry, there will always be cross roads to give us another choice.  Another direction. Sure it might not be the right road either but remember along the way what you picked up as your treasures and are carrying with you.  Never tire yourself with burden. Burdens of your past, of things you cannot and will not ever be changed. Stand tall and hold your head high, you went through these lessons for a reason.  Maybe you don't understand yet why, but one day it will all come together as the great puzzle of your life is unfolding before you with every breath you take.  

Patches overcomes several obstacles on her way, many trials and tribulations. Many prayers, but always proceeds with the chance of hope.  Without hope, we would all be lost for a long long time. She will stumble and for sure fall but some how she gets up, dusts herself off and takes her found treasures forward with her as she travels through time.  Time is all we have. The important question is ....How much time do we have?  We have to use it wisely. It's just a breath away before our time is up.  So, I hope you will follow Patches as she ventures through life with her ups and downs and carry's hope in her heart for that light at the end of her very long tunnel(s) and  with hope she prevails with happiness. 

Click  FOLLOW ME............... as there is going to be several parts to Patches story you won't want to miss............

Love  "Patches"

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