Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Girl Named Patches..Part 10

As the days passed, all would seem to be the norm or the norm as we all knew it. Looking back we all pretty much did our own thing. There were a few times we were on a trip going some place and be at a beach or have a BBQ in the park but something always happened to set the moment into turmoil. Didn't have to be a big thing either. But at this present day, we are going our very separate ways. Shelli was with a guy and was planning on marrying him. Heath was caught up in alcohol and working against the law. Ma was working and enjoyed being out of the house. Pa was working and tending to his prided garden and me, well I was working and doing all I could do avoid being around at all. 

On this next fateful day though we were all at home. My father was always absorbed in religion and would be his whole life. He would take it to a level though that many cannot or would not be able to comprehend. He began attending a local church in town. Shelli was home this fateful day and had a friend staying the night. Then there was the rest of us. 

Something happened to Pa. He began insisting the end of the world was now and he immediately began calling all of his family in Pennsylvania to alert them. My Ma was a bit shaken by his activity and didn't know what to do. He began destroying many things. When the time was right Ma ran out the door and where she went I did not know. All was happening fast. He called Shelli and I to the living room and demanded we look to the ceiling and not move. We were there looking for Jesus as he assured us he was coming. By many attempts he tried to get Heath involved but he wouldn't participate and that seemed to bode well with Pa for some reason. Poor poor Shelli though she has never encountered this and was white as a ghost as I assumed my Ma was too. He continued destroying things and through all his money into the fire. Burned it all saying we no longer need it. Jesus is coming !! Might not seem like a hard task to look up at that ceiling but give it a try for a few hours and no, we were not allowed to look anywhere but UP. 

After some time there was somebody at the back door and drew my Pa's attention to it. I heard talking, not sure at the time who it was but later found out it was the pastor from the church he was attending. My Ma apparently went to the neighbors and called the pastor to come and calm him down. Instead my Pa called him a fake and the only good thing that happened from the pastors visit was to give us that moment to get out of the house. Shelli ran upstairs to get her friend, the one that was going to spend the night. Once she did we all ran out of the front door and headed to the neighbors. My brother though remained put in his bedroom and my Pa would let him be.

It seems the police could do nothing. What my Pa was destroying was his and if he wanted to break it all or burn it all it was his choice. The police advised though should he be doing this in public it would be a different story.

Come morning Pa did go to church. He got there rather early and went to the alter and began telling the congregation what hethens they all were. With this though, the police were able to take him away. Yes, I realized my Pa had issues and issues that society frowns deeply at. An illness that cannot maybe ever be fixed and in his case never was. 

So taking a step back and looking at all that he has done one might ask had he not been ill would it have all been different? Of course. Did he like himself and want to be different but had no idea how to get there. I think maybe he did or at times thought about it. Hopefully now there are better treatments for this illness and hopefully society looks upon it in a more healthier way. It is an illness like any other but one that isn't as controllable as a physical ailment.

Not sure how long he was hospitalized this time but my dad was a big strong man and didn't do well behind any type of confinement areas. He broke the glass to his door that was supposed to be unbreakable. There is a much higher level of strength one gets when they are in this state of mind. Seems they are 100 times stronger then the average person if and when they want to be.

When he was finally released and returned to work it wouldn't be long before he did have a physical illness. I remember him coming home one night late. Ma and him were in the kitchen and he seemed afraid to ask her a question. But finally did ask what did the doctor say? My Ma broke into tears..........

To be continued..........................

Love "Patches"

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