Monday, January 17, 2011


Thinking !! 

No, no, no..don't be alarmed. I dont really do this all to often. But, I was finding myself doing it today. Hmmm, what did I think about you ask? You did ask, didn't you? Well, let me tell ya !! I thought about taking a trip. Just saying the heck with all the routine (stuff) I'll call it just for you. I did a study on this stuff....actually and I discovered that no matter what I do no matter where I go, no matter how sick I get... my daily hahah STUFF... never ever abandons me. Faithful my stuff is. My dishes will wait for me to give them there special aroma bath, they seem to really like that STUFF...LOL

My laundry..............well, they dont seem to care if I am on time with them or not. So, I have noticed that if I leave them alone for a while, they do nothing but invite their friends. They dont like to party with the socks though and well, I am still conducting a study on this. It seems I always have orphans after bathing them. I have searched and searched and can never find their twin... the only conclusion I have made this far is it seems most were, well...shhhhhh made in China. 

Now, we dont want that to get out.... we dont want them to know they are winning in the battle of the socks......

The vaccum............... well, I seem to have a grave yard going on with these things. I handle them with tender loving care. I do!! It seems I am not real good at surgery on them though. I always end up with extra pieces. It makes me wonder if they really ever needed all those pieces parts... but something seems to be keeping them down. I will have to maybe re evaluate on this.

Ahhhh..... ok, lets go outside. Oh my, I dont think your all ready for this. All, I can say is if you think my vaccum grave yard is something.... you ought to see my handy yard tools. Honestly, it is obvious they are made by men. Now, I guess the strings on all these things make ya all feel mightty...huh??? yep....admit it.....COME ON... ADMIT IT !!! Those strings are crap.... ok .... other word "stuff"..same thing though if you know what I mean. 

I got so discouraged with the strings I bought me an electric start mower last year. Hmmmm, I thought I had the issue solved. Well, not so fast, not for me. My "NEW" wonderful mower developed a oil surplus in its little tiny teeny carb.... so I lovingly, conducted surgery on him. I got him running again.... YES I DID...... YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But he remains with this oil issue all to often.

I will tell ya about my most recent fire another time..... NOT VERY FUNNY.....

Then, of course I thought of you and how precious we all are to each other. 

So, while I was still on this wave of thinking............ a trip is way over due........................I just know that if I do take a trip all my true friends at home will ALWAYS be waiting there for me to return to them......

Now, talk about talking about nothing.... I bet I have ya all beat with this one huh ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, you did ask.....DIDNT YOU????? LOL

Take care and Hugsssss...

Love "The Ma ma"

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