Tuesday, December 7, 2010


                                          The ghost of a woman... 

Once there was a woman who lived a fairy tale life. She had it all. A wonderful husband, wonderful children, a beautiful home, a great job and good friends. In this fairy tale life the thought of it ever ending was not ever in her mind. The world was great and every day was good. Heck most were great!! Oh, yes, she even had a dog. Yep, a great dog ! What else is there. The love between her and her husband was what many cannot comprehend. The respect each gave to each other and hmmm, how each cared more about the other then they did themselves. This isn't easy to find, but should you ever do, NEVER LET IT GO.

 In the world today many marry for simple companionship. Lacking true love and the true reason to marry. But regardless of that. The vows are until death do we part. Not to many make it all the way to that part but lets say you do. What does that mean? With a love so strong, so deep and so devoted and if the saying LOVE NEVER DIES is true, then how do they part? Even when one has been taken it is never over. When you become ONE as you do when you marry, should the marriage be for the right reasons, then how do you let half of you go and move forward when the two of you became one?

 The loss of either one of you leaves you empty and lost and a ghost while still appearing to be alive. Pretending to be alive and meet the expectations of the living becomes a very difficult task. You become a ghost of who you once were. People see right through you without stopping to see what you may have once been. It is so surreal that it could be an illusion. The woman looks at the world but at a distance and with confusion. What is going on here? Maybe, since half of her is gone and the other half is lost and confused, this is where ghosts come from. From their true loves dying and leaving them behind as a ghost of themselves. My guess is there are many ghosts walking the earth today. Perhaps you have seen one.

God Bless and Love,  "The Ma ma"


Kitchen Benchtops said...

People see right through you without stopping to see what you may have once been. What do you say?

Unknown said...

I say that is a young soul with much to learn. We take a piece of something from some place or somebody every moment we live, in order to complete our own journeys. All part of the puzzle. If at first we miss a piece, we always have to go back and pick it up. Whomever seen through you now will stop and see YOU some time for who you really are.

The Mama