Sunday, February 27, 2011

If we were kicked back 100 years....could we survive?

                             If we were kicked back 100 years..could we survive?

The art of survival is just about gone. We rely on everything and somebody to get through our day. No matter what it is. But what would happen if we totally lost our electric? Just that alone would be critical for Americans. Would we know how to heat the house without burning it down? Would we still have bacon and eggs for breakfast? Oh my, no what? But, hey, lets go even further...NO INTERNET. Now we know we are doomed. I want some toast with butter and jam. 

Hmmm, I am at a loss. How is this bread made? Butter and it possible? Oh, I see that chicken across the yard. Yes, that is what I want for supper. But wait, its actually alive with a head and feathers. What the heck do I do with that? I guess the wing night is over. This little chap only has two wings. What are we to do with that? Well, night is upon me and I have no light. None. No candles, no oil lamps and no way to get to a store. There is no gas for cars and I havent obtained a horse or donkey yet to get around. The walk to a store would be at least a two week trip. How did they do it all way back WHEN? 

They knew how to do everything. We have become so laxed that if we were kicked back in time ... how would we do? After some time I am sure we would find a way but until then we would have to survive some how. The art of survival appears to be a memory or a chapter in a history book. I cant help wonder if this is good for us.Or maybe the other countries that are truly humbled are actually ahead of us in many more meaningful ways. 

Just a thought!!! Hugs...."The Ma Ma "

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