Friday, February 18, 2011

Father..Are you there??

Father Are You There ?

Father...Father... Can you hear me? Are you there? I think I have lost my map to my quest. Can i get another one? Father, can you send it overnight delivery? I am so sorry. I thought I knew what I was doing down here. I thought I could fulfill my quest as I promised you I would. But, you see father, things down here are a mess !! When I took this quest, I couldn't see into the future. I might have taken a different quest if only I had known it would be like this. 

The worst of it father, is I seem to be lost. I try calling home, but, I think the lines are down. Have you received my mail father? It has been months now, and well is the economy in heaven like it is here on earth? Have the angels gone on strike? Do you think they will return to work? Maybe they can bring me that new wing they promised me years ago. I am sending word to you father that the data chips down here are all messed up. The government has lost their way. The people are going in circles trying to find their way. There doesn't seem to be a road out of here. 

Oh,wait !! I remember now. I have had the map the whole time. Yes, yes, I do have it...your word is my guide and my map and my way to YOU. Yes......... I have it father and I will be reminded and refreshed to continue my journey as I promised you. OK, well, then, I know you have a lot of work to do and I wont keep you father. But, please, I hope this message gets to you before all the others...... Father....I LOVE YOU !! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW ?

 Oh, I am sorry for yelling, I hope I didn't yell to loud. Yes, father, I am reminded that it is times like this I am in the palm of your hand and you are carrying me. YES .....and suddenly I feel extremely comforted. Thank you for your unconditional love...............I will return to my quest with your guidance as I remember I am not on this journey alone and my journey is not over. You are and will always be with me. Yes, I love you too.......................... AMEN...

Love, "The Ma Ma"

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