Friday, February 18, 2011

A Fleeting Moment In Time.....

A Moment in Time       

Time goes by so very very fast...and time gives us many different experiences. During our time we have laughed, cried, hugged, liked, loved. The list can go on and on and on. Our "TO DO" list seems very small compared to our "DONE" list. Our moments of experiences can be short, medium or long. Yep, our moments come in sizes. 

There is even an extra short time called the "FLEETING" moment. As fleeting as these moments may be, they can leave a very profound memory. Fleeting moments usually attack the heart in some way. They must, they have to get in and out quick and they know it, because they know it is a fleeting moment in time. It does seem that the universe is cruel for doing these things or has a very morbid sense of humor. That I am sure the scientists are still studying about.

 All these moments leave impressions on the heart...but when one thinks about the fleeting may begin to ponder... how...why... and how..... and why..... and HOW could this happen? Has somebody ever touched your heart in such a way, it leaves you wondering how they got in so fast. You had your guard up. But in this fleeting moment ... you smiled..almost constantly and prayed nobody saw you cause you were smiling with nobody around.....LOL For this flickering piece in time, your heart felt warm and touched by a shining light of happiness. 

Yeah, Yeah, OK..the kind that makes you feel that alive feeling you had been missing for what seems like forever. In this moment comes this very undescribable feeling. You dont know what it is for sure but you do know you LIKE it. Some times we need to take these fleeting moments and treasure them the most because they were there for such a short time and WOW... left their mark.

 Yes, my heart has been touched and for just a fleeting moment in time. But, I am thankful for this fleeting moment because of the feeling it gave me. This feeling will be marked into my journel of moments in time but it will be kept in my heart where it attacked me at. Although, the smiling is gone and replaced with a much lesser desired feeling like sadness...I feel blessed for my moment as fleeting as it was.

 Many blessed moments come in small increments but can last a life time. My wish for all is that you can remember a moment that made you happy and keep that moment close with you ALWAYS.... for they come and go as the speed of light. God Bless you all.. this moment and the next and for ALWAYS........and thank you for spending THIS moment in time with me.............

Love, "The Ma Ma

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow !!! How true. Enjoy all moments as they are all fleeting ones.