Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Enchanting Butterfly !!

The Enchanting Butterfly!!
Hello all !!  As anybody noticed me fluttering about? Yes, I have been to your home. To your garden. Maybe to a select few on your shoulder. We have looked each other in the eyes and together we see each other transforming. Me, well I transformed already from a fuzzy little catepillar. Wow, that was a heck of an adventure I might add. Moving ever so slowly and hope that all that spot me dont think I am going to harm them and well stomp on me. It wasn t  easy waiting for my wings. 

 Unlike you, I can eventually fly away and where ever I want. Yes, it is, ok, it is a wonderful feeling. I have nothing to pack and no ticket to buy. I dont need to go through customs and nobody can stop me from going any where I wish. I am free, well, once I get my wings that is.  Like you I had to crawl before I could fly and you had to crawl before you could walk. 

 I think my life span is much shorter then yours so in my very short life I have to use every second as though it is my last. Thats why I smell all the flowers along the way and why I have my very special moments with you. I dont have very close family. We dont stay together long any ways because we have so much to experience. You know, you do too. 

 In the end we will all be together in our final transformations and I will remember you and our moment we had. Will you remember me? Was I as special to you as you are to me?  My cousin the dragonfly has told me many stories that he treasures and I have so many to tell him.  I hope when you think of me the stories will be great ones,like how I stayed on that bush for so long. But most important, I hope that you will remember me and the stories cause I sure will be remembering you. Well, I must be fluttering on now. I pray your journey is an adventure and safe. Butterfly Blessings ...
Love "The Ma ma"

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