Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part 25

With no time to think about anything any more, I go for the woman who cannot see or hear me, yet, I continue to tell her to get out, get out, get out. I continue to say I will stab you if you do not. But, no indication she heard me say a thing. So, I used my rusty butcher knife and stabbed her in the back which was her position after going after ma. Then with one hand I turned her around to look at me and said again to get out of here or I will stab you again. Still she did not see or hear me and did not seem to know she had just been stabbed. So, I stab her again in her stomach. 

It was the strangest thing, because she still never saw me. I do not know what drug she was on, but omg is all I can say. Slowly she places what she had in her hand on the phone stand where she stood by as she was going to attack ma. Finally a reaction to the stabbing. She touches her stomach and then turns to the wall as to hold herself up. Her hand covered now in her own blood, she would cover the wall.

There was no time to do much more with her as this door was down. All was happening in truly fleeting moments. It was fast!! I knew I had to get back there. As I did, there was a 6'5" man standing there at the door way and ready to come in. My focus would now be on him and I repeated my chosen phrase, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE !!" Mind you I am with this orange shining hair... not sure if that is what caught his attention first or not. But, he then saw the knife. This knife would become welded to my hand and nobody was going to take it away from me, not easily. 

He looks at me and slowly turns to find the woman that they let come into the house first. She was trying to make her way to the door to get out. But, she was no longer a threat to me and I had to keep my eyes on this man. What was his plan? Did he have one? And, we look each other in the eyes as if to see each others soul. He knew not everybody in this house had ran out the door now. I continued to focus on him and repeat my plea..... but he sees this woman and reaches to help her out of the house. I let him as this is what my plea has been all along...GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND NOW..................... 

He helps her to the door and realizes that she indeed has been stabbed and yells it to the others just outside of this door. It would be worse now then before. More blocks, more gun fire. And not knowing about the front door being opened or not, I did not know who might have already made it inside the house. So with Glenn on my mind I make my way to the upstairs. The whole time blocks were flying in and just by an hair they would miss me. The bullets would miss me, just by a hair................. and I make it to the bedroom where I found Glenn in the corner. Hovered down holding his ears. Never moved, never cried but I am sure scared to what was going on. Somebody had to be watching over him to have kept him there and quiet and not in the line of fire as I was focused on the situation. Had Glenn came downstairs and distracted my attention, this might have ended up very differently. 

I grabbed him and headed to the bathroom just off this bedroom and found the door was locked. Who could be in there? I pounded on it and finally it opens. It would be the friend that came in at the beginning of this with Heath. He went to the bathroom and would stay there the entire time.

He asked me about jumping out of the bathroom window from them and he asked for the knife I brought in there with me. Right, I thought. First of all, go ahead and jump I told him. This was a very high two story house and why would I go out there to them? How do I jump with a baby? It was late at night now and the night was pitch dark. I decided to stay put in the bathroom with that door locked. The plan would be that they would have to take that door down too and when they did I would be on the other side with the same action plan in mind.

Minutes would go by and this guy did jump out of the window and I heard somebody coming up the stairs. Slowly walking across the bedroom floor. I could hear them coming closer and closer to the bathroom door. I placed Glenn inside the tub and thank God he was not crying. He would remain quiet.

With my knife in hand I went to the door and slowly placed my hand on the door knob. My knew plan was to quickly open this door and stab whoever was on the other side as I could hear them now just outside of it, waiting. As I was just about to complete my new plan, I hear a voice say, " Patches are you in there?"

OMG..........................my heart was in such a horrific state. It was Heath and I was seconds from stabbing him.

To be continued..............

Love "Patches"

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