Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part 26

It doesn't get any more heart throbbing then at this moment !! When I heard Heath's voice, I answered, Yes, and fell to the floor to gather myself together. He had told me that they were all gone and he felt pretty sure about it once he knew it was me in the bathroom. Neither of us knew where Ma ran off to but soon she surfaced as well. And soon the police would arrive. 

The house was pretty much destroyed and as we and the police checked the house out we found several bullet holes in the house, glass every where, concrete blocks all around and that gas tank in that porch way with a book of burned matches that never ignited. How do you process this? How?

The police were of course wanting this knife from my hands but I did not want to give it to them. I argued with them. I asked them how do they know for sure they are all gone and how do I know you are here to protect us? I was not feeling safe with these policemen. But, what happened they said is the woman was bleeding out and the whole group had rushed her to the hospital. There they called in a priest to read her, her last rights. Surely, they thought she was going to go. We spent the rest of the night at the neighbors making out a police report of what all had happened and as daylight approached, I explained to my ma, I would not be going back to that house to live. I am going back to Ohio with or without anybody. Yes, I took a stand and I would not alter from it.

As the daylight came we collected what we could from the house, went to the bank, made arrangements with a friend of ma's to stay with her until we found a place and away we went.

As for this woman............. she lived !! It seems that if you stab somebody and turn the knife ever so slightly it will cut the main arteries and you will surely die. But, both stabbings that were made went straight in and straight out never severing them and gave her that chance to live. How is this possible I ask myself? I was not alone in this ordeal. There is no way I could have been. Not a hair on any of our heads were hurt. The fire they planned never took off. They tried to hit me with blocks and bullets but always a hair away. This woman suffers sever stabbings and because of a hair line twist I did not make, she lives. Many might ask if there is a higher power. For me this is not a question.

I had a lot to sort out here. What just happened would be now one of my biggest questions. I felt violated by these people and unprotected by my family. They all ran away and left me and Glenn there alone to fight a battle that was way beyond my comprehension. Did I carry quilt for this stabbing. Absolutely not !! This was my home and I had a little baby that depends solely on me. Would I defend him and protect him with all my might? I am not going to answer that question. I am hopeful the answer here is an obvious one. 

It's amazing what inner powers we do have when we need to tune into them. What we do without much thought while in the moment. This moment would come with me though for a long time to come. I had to understand it and process it so I would be able to go to the next chapter. Was I ready for the next chapter?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................. I suppose I have no choice, or do I? 

Love "Patches"

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