Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part 24

On this particular fateful night it was rather peaceful well for Ma, me and Glenn. Ma was sleeping upstairs with Glenn. Glenn was not two years old. Such a good good baby and Ma really took to him. There was no doubt she loved him and it was great to see that she did.

I would be in the living room with my orange hair typing away with the tv on when I heard some disruption coming from the kitchen. As I waited there cause I suspected it was Heath, Heath came running past me with his friend and ran upstairs to my mom. I had no idea what was happening but i over heard him tell ma that there was three carloads of people outside with guns and that they were all on drugs and they were there after him. His hands were still very swollen and he was unable to fight his way through this one so he came back downstairs and waited for the moment he could run out the front door. He felt that if he left they would leave and leave the rest of us alone.

But as he ran out the front door and they had the house covered with people and guns somebody saw him and yelled ,"hey, there he is!! " The others didn't seem phased and continued attempting to get in the house. Several were banging at the back door to take it off its hinges and others were taking these concrete blocks that were all around the house and throwing them through all the windows. Glass flying everywhere. Others were shooting their guns just anywhere they could. Still others took a full gas can and dosed it in in the porch and struck an entire book of matches to set the house on fire. 

My ma had no idea how to handle this and well, who would? She reacted with the moment and got on the phone by the door that was being beaten down to call for police. As fate would have it nobody at the police station would answer. It just rang and rang and rang. Thanks to God, Glenn was upstairs and never cried or tried to come down. He stayed put. 

For me............. I was usually always from the outside looking in to most of all that would be going on inside this family. I stood back watching Heath run, my ma panicking and what was going to happen next? 

We did not own a gun but we did have a nice set of rusty butcher knifes and I ventured to them to find the biggest rustiest knife I could find. Let me tell you in was a big one. I had to set my mind to the circumstances and follow through with what my decision would be. In my mind it was simply this. Anybody coming through that door once they tear it off the hinges I would have to deal with, with this knife. It would have to be quick as I know there are three car loads out there and from the concrete blocks flying in the house, glass every where and guns being shot at us, every second WOULD matter. 

Soon the door would break open and there stood a woman. I was directly in front of the door as my plan was I would be the first they would see and the knife I held was not hidden. I looked at her and excuse what I am about to say but it happened just this way.... I said to her: "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR I WILL STAB YOU....!!!" This woman was on some sort of drug I hope I never ever find. She never saw or heard me. Some how she saw my mom on the phone and she went to her. She had something in her hand but I could not tell what it was. I am still telling and yelling at her to leave, but nothing I was saying was being heard. It was as if I was invisible. Seriously invisible. 

She heads to my ma still on the phone and nobody answering yet from the police department. So, she panics and hits this woman over the head with the phone receiver and runs out the front door. To where I do not know. But now both Heath and ma are gone. All that is left inside the house would be Glenn and me, or that I knew about. How would I run and to where would I go and no way could I run with Glenn in the house. There was no time or way to run up and get Glenn and then run to where with a baby out into the open with what I knew was out there. So, I had no option. I had to stay. It wasn't like I was alone though and it wasn't like it was me that was facing these people. It seemed there was some sort of higher power there with me and the higher power was using me to stay and fight. Surely, I must have looked a sight with my orange hair but then again, this woman never acknowledged she even saw me.

I knew I had seconds to do whatever I was going to. The door is down and there is no time to ask politely to leave. There was no time to re-plan what I was going to do. I had to quickly take out whoever came in first, get back to the door to take out who comes in next. Still guns are being fired and I did not know we had so many concrete blocks outside. Amazing !!! This was a very big house and windows all over it...glass still flying. It was a life and death night, a battle was going on. How would this turn out?

Always believe in a higher power.......... it is real and it is with us weather we can see it or not!!

To be continued..............................

Love  "Patches"

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