Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Girl Named Patches...Part 28

The landlord at this special place we were at was making difficult to work up another month's deal so we had to find another place to live. It would seem that Jesus is always looking out for us. He never leaves us and he wouldn't leave us now. A very special couple heard about us and decided to help us. Their parents had passed away and they did not want the house to sit abandoned. So they asked if we would stay there. On top of this the man was a roofer and well this was perfect. This is Cliff's dream job. This is what he has been talking about wanting to do for years now. To top it off this man would come pick him up for work every day since we still had no transportation of our own. 
Things were looking good and my ma and Heath even came to visit. It was a beautiful house and all furnished. We did end up on food stamps and I was able to actually cook a full meal. Mmmmm with my ma's visit I would cook pork chops. One of her favorites. It seemed the stars were changing and the dream of us being a family with a future was now in sight. 

My mom though must have been hiding her real feelings during this visit because what was about to happen would take me off guard. As they were leaving Heath picked Glenn up and ran out of the door to the car. I end up being pregnant again and can't go all to fast but Cliff runs after them and chases the car as they drive away with Glenn. Where they would go I would not yet know and why they did this was even more of a mystery. I pulled myself up from the drive way and back into the house where I sat in confusion and cried and cried and cried.................... 

Who is my enemy? Is everybody in the whole wide world my enemy? Must it be so hard? So many questions would enter my so scattered mind at this time. But no answers.

We would determine that they went back to the motel they were staying in and well we went off hitchhiking to find them. We got there and all seemed to be oddly ok. As I was talking to ma and out of no where and unplanned, well from what I knew, Cliff picks up Glenn and runs out of the room and down the road. As I see this I begin to run after him. He has my baby. He would run and run and I could only run as fast as I could. I was still pregnant. I finally find Cliff though and we sure had our moment of what the hell was he doing? But, for now, I knew where my baby was and that was all that mattered in the moment.

A few days would go by and the nice man that let us in this house and gave Cliff a job would stop by one morning and tell me they can no longer use Cliff. That he wasn't working. He was sitting on top these roofs smoking and eating the nice lunches I would be packing for him. 

Then I became aware of several of my clothes missing. I had some very nice jackets that I was able to get throughout my several jobs I have had. I was so confused, where would they be going? Hmmm, well it seems they made good presents for Cliffs new girls he was pursuing. Was I mad, oh yes. And what would happen next would be yet another chapter in Patches journals.........................Poor Cliff !!

Love "Patches"

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